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 State Premium Elite Star Alsonara/Archipel/Weltmeyer/Shogun xx.

"Sonara" has the designation of being the Foundation Mare for Foxworth Farm.  

Hanoverian; Oldenburg (GOV)

Foundation Mare/Retired

Special Premium/Elite mare Hermès (Hofrat x SPS/El Alsonara/Archipel/ Weltmeyer) 

Oldenburg (GOV); Hanoverian

2012: Reserve Champion GOV Mare Performance Test; 4th in Nation; Champion Non-Hanoverian Mare at Hilltop Farm AHS inspection

Royal Heiress (Rock Solid x Sp Pr /El Hermes/Hofrat/Weltmeyer)

Oldenburg (GOV)

2018: USDF Reserve Champion 3 YO filly Materiale Horse of the Year; Champion GOV 3 YO filly Materiale.

2019: Region 2 Training Champion; Top 10 4 YO USEF/Markel Young Horse Championship.

El. Lhoretta (Loerke X Whichita/Walzertraum)

Hanoverian; Oldengurg (GOV)

2019: Named Elitestute mare by GOV


Vb.Pr. Coeur Dashian (Couer d'Amore/Stedinger)

Oldenburg (GOV)


Rio (Rotspon/Westbury/Wenzel)

Hanoverian; Oldenburg (GOV)


Starling (Stedinger X Moonlight/Ravallo) 

Oldenburg (GOV)


Haute Couture FF (Ampere X SpPr/El Hermes/Hofrat)
Oldenburg (GOV)

Her Royal Majesty FF (Sir Donnerhall II x SpPr/El Hermes/Hofrat)
Oldenburg (GOV)

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